Well, Community Voices knows that this is not happening because the state is multi billions of dollars in debt and the Governor and the Republicans are trying to decimate social service programs and basically kill working poor families. Well, kill is a harsh word, but at least starve them to death, keep them from working better jobs or getting ahead, make them pay a progressively larger anount of taxes, and kick them and their children off of various health care programs. So, maybe kill is harsh, but dehumanize is definitely apt.
So, what do we need to do. Call, call, call the capitol. Here's how.
Community Call-In Day
to Stop the State Budget Cuts!
Call Toll-Free to your Assemblymember and Senator:
Thanks to the California Teachers Association (CTA), we have this free phone number to call our representatives and let them know that we need more budget choices, not just budget cuts! The Governor's proposed budget cuts would mean the loss and reduction of crucial services and jobs for all Californians. But a cuts-only approach isn't the right way to solve the state's budget problems. We need a more balanced solution that guarantees that everyone pays their fair share. By taking care of our children, families, seniors and workers, we are investing in a better California for all of us!
Community Call-In Day is Friday, June 13th!
Call 888-268-4334
Individuals and community groups should call in on this day to show the power of our communities. Get out this number to your members, families and neighbors so that we can get a flood of calls into the Legislature!
Tell your Assemblymember and Senator:
"My name is ______________ and I live in (your town).
I'm calling to let you know that cuts to human services and education will hurt (my family, my neighborhood). This is because (examples: my children go to public school; I use the community clinic in my neighborhood; CalWORK helps me put food on the table for my family).
California needs more than a cuts-only approach to fixing the state budget."
California needs more than a cuts-only approach to fixing the state budget."
Call 888-268-4334 on Friday, June 13th to Deliver the Message: Stop the Cuts!