Parent Mike from Options talking about the challenges of trying to afford child care. Now, many families are having to reach out to food banks for help. The sluggish economy and the state deficit have made it hard for working class families to survive. There was not a dry eye in the house after his plea for sanity around balancing the budget with dignity and respect for working families..... Another parent from Options shares her story.
Parent Baron Littleton from L.A. asks why we are not considering raising taxes, why $12 Billion a month is going to Iraq while families and children struggle....good questions...
Assembly member Betty Karnette dropped by to share some thoughts. She was impressed with the turnout and asked everyone to make calls to their politicians....republicans need to know these cuts will kill families, the public needs to know the Budget Stabilization Act is a sham, the media needs to know that closing corporate loop holes is not a bad thing.....
Afterwards, the legislative staff began to offer some suggestions. At the end of the day, it was a dialogue on what we all can and need to do, how do we work together, what do we do after this event and how do we make a difference....
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